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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 5 months ago

Click here for "How to Make a Powerpoint"


So there is  the link to my PowerPoint. For Each Group I have also made a Wiki Space for you to

upload your PowerPoint so I can Download them onto my computer:



Panoptic Pixels (Vince, Martin & Megan)


Digital Education (Ellie, Jena & Ayumi)


Rebels of a Common Pen (Frankie, Jenni & Sarah)


Digital JARA (Jaime, Ali, Rachel & Aura)


Digital Identities (Ernesto, KL & Annie)


Project Definition (Felicia's Group)




Congrats to all of you! I havn't checked out your pages in a while, but they look fantabulous!


Hey there to all of you who have wanted to put something from YouTube onto your PowerPoints! I have FINALLY found out how (also on quesitons and answer page)
1. Open the page to the YouTube video you want to present
2. Open another window to www.vixy.net

3. Copy the URL of your YouTube video and click START

4. Download and Save your file

5. Go to the part of your PowerPoint you would like to insert the video

6. Click insert > Movies and Sounds > Movie from File and insert it on your powerpoint page.

7. Choose to start movie when clicked (it is just easier)

8. Right click the movie boz that appears and press Edit Movie Object then put a check beside Zoom to full Screen and click OK - for SOME weird reason unless you do this, only the sound will work.. I know odd but meh.

9. Play the slide show for yourself to make sure it works - if not contact me.

10.  AND in case anything goes wrong, on the wiki page I made for each group (links above) click Source then insert the html code (to the right of the video on youtube.com beside embed and then save so the video will appear at the bottom of the page) This is important so I can upload your file in case I need to. If it doesn't work just put the URL to the Youtube page.











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