Midterm Quiz


English 112 / Quiz October 27 /06



Please answer each question with one or two well written sentences.


1. Explain the differences between the high school classroom role of summarising and the role that summary fulfils in academic writing.


2. Define in a single sentence the purpose of Citation.


3. List four ways that citation works in relation to a writer’s position.


4. List four ways that citation represents and enables certain actions


5. What is : Reporting Reporting?


6. Define scholarly abstraction -- what is an abstraction?


7. What are the differences between Dictionary Definition and Scholarly definition?


8. Explain how we use ‘appositions’ in scholarly writing.


9. How is the summarizer’s position developed by the use of definition through apposition?


10. How do scholars arrange for speakers to talk to each other ?


11. Explain each of these citation techniques:


Reporting expression

Parenthetical citation

Direct quotation


13. Explain the characteristics and purposes of ‘Nominal Style’


14. List and explain five other techniques of scholarly style


15. Why do we say the Discursive I is constrained?


16: Does the researcher’s position, their view point, their experience of the world -- affect their findings ?


17. Explain the differences and the commonalities between Quantitative and Qualitative research methods.


18. What doe the full subject position recognise ....


19. What does The ‘full subject position’ expose?


20. How does the grammar of “I Think” work in scholarly style -- what does this expression indicate about the research’s position?