JARA's Annotated Bibliography





Guillén, M. F., & Suárez, S. L. (2005). Explaining the global digital divide: Economic, political and sociological drivers of cross-national internet use. Social Forces, 84(2) , 681-708. Retrieved from <http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/social_forces/v084/84.2guillen01.pdf >


                This article claims that the global digital divide can be attributed to the economic and sociopolitical charateristics of each country

            and its development over time. On the basis that information censorship hinders the development and pervasion of Internet, Guillén

            and Suárez argue that the more democratic regimes have a greater development of Internet and digital literacy than authoritarian

            regimes. Specifically, this article classifies the different types of information censorship regimes have implemented and provides

            examples for each: physical access restriction, content censorship, and direct threats against the persona.




Kluver, Randolph & Banerjee, Indrajit. "Political Culture, Regulation, and Democratization: The Internet in Nine Asian Nations." 

Information, Communication & Society Vol. 8, No. 1 March 2005. 46 pars. 12 March 2007



                 This article focusses on the potential democratizing power of the Internet in nine Asian countries and examines the critical

            factors that constrain this potential. Kluver and Banerjee argue that a country's political culture, level of internet regulation, and

            digital access are the three crucial variables that directly affect the political impact of the Internet.




Kluver and Banerjee pdf article