
Discussion Groups

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English 112: Strategies for University Writing. Dr. Erika Paterson

Discussion Group Assignments


This is your schedual for Monday's Discussion Groups. This page will grow and change as time passes, so you need to check here on a regular basis.

This page includes instructions for preparing for your Group Discussions and research tasks, as well as for your Group Page Assignments.

Enjoy your discussions.




Week Two:

Mon. Sept. 11th:


  • Read and reflect on this course outline - look at all the pages on this web site and make notes of your questions. Make sure that eveyone in your group is clear about the expectations and requirements of this course.


Your Group's Wiki Web page needs to be constructed before Friday. So you should spend some time today deciding on a name for your page. Please see Group Page Template for further instructions.


  • Discuss the Introduction to Academic Reading pages 7 - 15. Make a list of the questions you are not able to answer and post this list on your group page.


Week Three

Mon. Sept. 18th:


  • Work together on Exercise 1, page 18 (AW).
  • Work together on Ex(s). 4 & 5, page 24 (AW).
  • Now, re-read Giltrow's Introduction to Academic Reading (pages 7 - 15), and discuss how she (a) uses 'reporting expressions', (b) how she attributes 'assertions' and (c) how she indicates 'uncertainty'. Post your findings on your group's page.

Week Four

Mon. Sept. 25th:

  • As a group - diagram the levels of generality (refer to page 34 in AW for an example of this) in Giltrow's intoduction to 'Conflict & Struggle' pages 453 - 455 (AR). Post your diagram on your group page. In order to do this you will have to create the diagram in a word program and then upload the file to this wiki, and then link the file into your page.

Week Five

Mon. October 2nd:


  • Peer Editing. BRING A PAPER COPY OF YOUR SUMMARY ASSIGNMENT TO CLASS. Today you will read and advise each other on your writing techniques. You should discuss your use of reporting expressions, position, reporting reporting, definition, and generalization. It will assist you a great deal if you have time to read Chapters 7 & 8 in Academic Writing.

Week Six

Mon. October 23rd:

  • Thanksgiving Holiday.

Week Seven

  • No Discussion group this week.

Week Eight

Mon. October 23rd.: We will organize our conference today. Selecting who will be conference organizers and reviewing our schedule. Please read our Conference Page and my journal page to prepare for today's class.


   On the Way/ 2006

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