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Course Description

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago


Strategies for University Writing



 Instructor: Dr. Erika Paterson

 Office: Room 608 Buchanan Tower

 e-mail: erikapat@interchange.ubc.ca

 Office Hours: Thursdays 9:45 - 10:45 & 12:45 - 1:30

or by appointment.




Course Description:



    In this class we will be exploring resources, strategies and techniques for critical reading, academic research and writing across university disciplines. Janet Giltrow’s texts, Academic Writing (AW)and Academic Reading (AR) will introduce us to a community of scholarly writing and guide us through the strategies and methods necessary for joining that community. Developing the essential skills required to write a scholarly research paper involves not only learning new and practical techniques for critical thinking, reading, researching and writing, it is equally essential that you learn about academic culture.




Required Texts:


* Janet Giltrow with Daniel Burgoyne, Richard Gooding, Marlene Sawatsky, Academic Writing: An Introduction. Broadview Press, 2005.

* Janet Giltrow. ed. Academic Reading, reading & writing in the disciplines. 2nd. Edition. Broadview press. 2002.






* Summary Assignment: 10 %

* In Class Essay: 20 %

* Conference Assignments :20 %

* Research Paper: 20 %

* Final Exam: 30 %


Please Note:

You are responsible for reading the university guidelines concerning plagerism. We will also talk about this issue in class.



There is an $6.50 Wiki Website course fee for this course.



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